Issue Statutory Certificates (BA3, BA17, BA18)
Our experienced building surveyors are legally equipped to issue several types of statutory certificates which facilitate the approval of your project. We will communicate with you directly to determine what documentation is appropriate and the level of support which is required from our office to accomplish your project approval.
Blank copies of all statutory certificates can be obtained from the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety via the link below.
To see these forms explained please follow the link below to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Section (Building Approval Forms Explained).
Unauthorised or Illegal Building Works
The Building Regulations provide for a mechanism to allow for the retrospective approval of building work which was completed without a building permit in place. The local authority may request that you obtain a Building Approval Certificate (BAC) or BA18 certificate from a registered building surveyor. Our office can assist with this process and we welcome any enquiries.
Co-ordination of Building Approvals Application Forms (BA1, BA9, BA11, BA13)
It is generally necessary to make application for a permit or approval after receiving the documentation package from your building surveyor/certifier. Our office can assist in the completion of the application forms, calculate the government fees and submit applications on your behalf.
Building Code of Australia Assessments and Auditing
It is prudent to ensure that a proposed design will comply with the Building Code generally during design development or planning approval stage. Desktop and/or site assessments can be carried out on proposed or existing building plans to determine compliance levels. Our office will offer considered recommendations on how to achieve a design which satisfies all project stakeholders.
Building Inspections
Inspection from a registered building surveyor may be required for a number of reasons. These could include retrospective approvals (BAC), occupancy certificates, built strata certificates, dilapidation reports or disability access audit reports (DAA and AS1428.1-2009). Regardless of the requirement our experienced team offer diligent and succinct reporting and solutions.
Disability Access Audits
The Disability Discrimination Act places the impetus on building owners, developers, builders and surveyors to ensure that fair and equitable disability access is provided to and within both existing and proposed buildings. Our office is experienced in carrying out site and desktop audits against the BCA Part D3, AS1428.1-2009 and the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act.
Referral and Project Co-ordination
At Building Surveying Solutions our focus is on the providing the best quality BCA service and advice. This leaves us free to recommend and engage with highly regarded and professional consultants with or on your behalf. Our office is highly experienced in project co-ordination and can offer a project management solution to seamlessly integrate in with your experience and requirements.